Psobriety (Paper)

A Journey of Recovery through the Psalms

  • 9780664266967
  • 5.5 x 8.5
  • 164
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 0664266967
  • 3/15/2021
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 22.00


Psobriety helps people in recovery develop and strengthen their spirituality with daily readings on each of the 150 Psalms. This daily devotional features the beloved, comforting words of the Psalms to encourage and support those in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse. The ancient poems give voice to the full array of human emotion, seeking the mercy and guidance of a Higher Power. A recovering alcoholic, author Jeff Dafler shares his own journey to sobriety, as well as wisdom from twelve-step programs, to inspire others walking the brave path of recovery. 


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“Sobriety is a miracle maintained by spiritual discipline. Jeff Dafler unpacks how the Psalms can help us on our journeys, imparting strength and wisdom. I highly recommend this devotional for those on the daily path of recovery.” —Krin Van Tatenhove, author of The Pattern: Twelve Steps for Everyone

“Whether you’re new to sobriety or an old-timer, those in recovery will find the experience, strength, and hope expressed throughout these pages helpful and spiritually compelling. The format allows the seeker to reflect a bit deeper one day at a time.” —Shannon White, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) clergy in long-term sobriety

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