The Connections Worship Companion is an essential resource for leaders and planners of Christian worship services.
This volume of the Connections Worship Companion series offers complete liturgies—from the call to worship to the closing charge, with prayers and litanies for every need in between—for all worshiping occasions between Advent and Pentecost of Year A.
The Connections Worship Companion is a six-volume series, with each
volume focusing on a different season of the Christian year. Each volume
provides three kinds of materials to enhance your liturgical
experience. First, there are "Making Connections" essays at the
beginning of each major section, which introduce the primary theological
themes of the Christian year, highlight particular biblical texts,
point to distinctive features of the lectionary cycle, and offer
practical and pastoral guidance. Second, there are seasonal/repeating
resources, which are liturgical texts intended for multiple uses during a
particular span of time in the Christian year, promoting diachronic
connections from one Sunday to the next. Last, there are resources for
each Sunday or festival in the Christian year, which promote synchronic
connections between the liturgy and the lectionary. The combination of
these resources assists worship planners in assembling complete orders
of worship for the Lord's Day.
To download Scripture indexes for the preaching commentaries and worship companions in the Connections series, which provide a complete guide to which commentaries include specific Scripture references, visit