The Old Creed and the New (Paper)

  • 9780334040538
  • 166
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 0334040531
  • 7/16/2006
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 35.99


The Old Creed and the New, is Don Cupitt's return to the UK market, after a five year absence, with a successor to his earlier works, which can be seen as the next stage in his long project to modernise religious thought. Here he sharply juxtaposes the traditional Apostles' Creed of Western Christianity and the emergent creed of modern radical theology. Side by side they look amazingly different, and Cupitt carefully explains what is happening and why. The main change is that the old creed situated the believer within a huge narrative cosmology, the central myth of a great religion-based civilization, whereas the new creed merely defines the bare outlines of a modern spirituality. The difference is very great, and it is vital that we understand it clearly.

Whilst in previous works Cupitt has attempted to define the real religion of modern people, and help them learn religious thinking for themselves in a post-ecclesiastical Christianity, in this book he attempts to bridge the gap between the old way of d


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