Finding the Church: The Dynamic Truth of Anglicanism (Paper)

The Dynamic Truth of Anglicanism

  • 9780334028635
  • 312
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 0334028639
  • 1/1/2001
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 44.99


Amongst the churches, Anglicanism is distinctive by virtue of its attempt to participate in the life and purposes of God and to make them known through history and in the practicalities of particular situations. Yet the distinctiveness of this position, and what its implications are for the Church's ongoing life, are not well appreciated. As a result, the churches of the Anglican Communion often find themselves caught in painful struggles about major issues concerning their own basis and practice, to such a degree that there are constant threats of division. The essays in this book begin from the struggles which have emerged in recent years, since the 1998 Lambeth conference, and show the deeper issues at stake. They respond with proposals for the future, focusing especially on the wisdom which manifests itself in the Church, and how this needs to be furthered in the worship, order and practice of the Church in the breadth of its mission in each place. They conclude with some considerations of the wider role of the Churc


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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