The Spirituality of Sex (Hardback)

  • 9781896836904
  • 8.5 x 9
  • 160
  • 181.25
  • Hardback
  • 9781896836904
  • 1/1/2009
  • In Stock
$ 35.00


< p>For almost 2000 years, people in the west have been taught that sex and spirituality don't mix--that sex is a stumbling block, an obstacle we must overcome if we want to realize our full spiritual potential. For generations, we've been encouraged to deny the importance of the body and sexuality, in the name of religious purity and piety. We've been made to feel guilty about our sexual needs and desires. As a result, many have turned to secular culture to validate their deep, intuitive sense that the body and sex are good, only to be met with superficial definitions of beauty, pressures to conform to "ideal" body types, sexual obsessions, and shallow relationships. In The Spirituality of Sex, Michael Schwartzentruber, Lois Huey-Heck, Mary Millerd, and Charlotte Jackson embrace a more holistic possibility. With evocative prose and beautiful images, they add their voices to an ever-growing chorus inviting people to recognize sex and sexuality as inherently sacred--as a divine way of being, as a potential window and way to know God. They invite readers to celebrate sex and sexuality as an innate part of our humanity and as a sacred gift that has always been ours to claim and enjoy.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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