Dying Church, Living God (Paper)

A Call to Begin Again

  • 9781896836393
  • 6 x 9
  • 160
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 9781896836393
  • 1/1/2000
  • In Stock
$ 16.95


Make a new church. That's the challenge Chuck Meyer lays down for readers. He writes that the institutional church we know so well is dying. In fact, it may already be dead. Its structure and theology make no sense today, and haven't for decades. It has ceased to be an adequate instrument for the Living God who refuses to be bound by it, to it, or in it. Dying Church, Living God is a provocative, radical look at the church as it enters the twenty-first century. "In the midst of all this enormous change, the Church still conducts worship services at hours based around 19th-century milking schedules...There is an incredibly deep spiritual hunger gnawing at people" that Chuck Meyer believes the church must address. Acknowledgement of the death of the church and the inevitable resurrection is both the premise and the promise of this provocative, enlightening book.


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