The Faith of Generation Y (Paper)

  • 9780715142066
  • 224
  • 56.25
  • Paper
  • 9780715142066
  • 6/29/2010
  • Backorder
$ 23.99


The members of Generation Y (those born after 1980) in Britain have had less contact with the Church than any previous generation in living memory. So what interest do young people have in Christianity' Does belief in God make any difference to them'''Using both sociological and theological approaches, the authors shed light on these questions by drawing on the views of over 300 young people who have participated in Christian youth and community outreach projects around England over the last five years. A response from the Bishop of Coventry is also included, considering the implications of the research for the wider Church. ''Building on the hugely influential, ground-breaking research in Making Sense of Generation Y, this is a must for all those working with young people in the church or wanting to develop their mission to young people.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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