Hit the Ground Kneeling: Seeing Leadership Differently (Paper)

Seeing Leadership Differently

  • 9780715141625
  • 96
  • 25.00
  • Paper
  • 9780715141625
  • 10/31/2008
  • Out of print/Discontinued
$ 12.99


"'We're looking for someone who can hit the ground running'. How many times have you heard this? Or maybe you've said it yourself? 'But,' as Stephen Cottrell says, 'when someone hits the ground running, there is no guarantee that they are going in the right direction'. ""Hit the Ground Kneeling"" takes common statements about leadership - statements that we often take for granted - and questions them in the light of Christian faith and Christian perspectives on leadership. Ideal for church leaders, this is a timely antidote to the glut of selfhelp, quick-fix management books!"


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