Qualitative Research in Theological Education (Paper)

Pedagogy in Practice

  • 9780334056775
  • 256
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9780334056775
  • 9/29/2018
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 60.99


Qualitative Research in Theological Education brings together a diverse group of scholars to consider the theological values arising from and contributing to their use of qualitative research in scholarship and teaching. The book offers a careful consideration of the pedagogical and administrative challenges involved in teaching qualitative research and its various sub-disciplines such as ethnography. As a whole, the book argues that the teaching of QR methods is critical to the theological, ethical, spiritual, and/or pastoral formation of ministers and theological scholars

Contributors include Elaine Graham, Dawn Llewellyn, Anthony Reddie, Brett C. Hoover and David Mellott


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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