Transfiguring Capitalism: An Enquiry into Religion and Global Change (Paper)

An Enquiry into Religion and Global Change

  • 9780334028314
  • 354
  • 106.25
  • Paper
  • 9780334028314
  • 6/29/2008
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 52.99


Addressing the academic market, working in the area of social ethics, this publication addresses key problems in contemporary life, and raises important questions about our growing awareness of the limits of contemporary ways of living with modern economies and modern religion. The author explores possible alternatives to such capitalism and religion and develops a compelling argument for the development of a transcendence of capitalism, what the author terms ""hopeful progression through and beyond the limits of modernity"". In developing this argument the author also injects each chapter with both local (British) and global case studies to illustrate practical problems alongside the theoretical discussion. In addition, whilst focusing on Christianity as an entry point to the various arguments, the author also works in conversation with New Religious Movements and other Faiths including Islam, Hindi and Judaism.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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