The Sacramental Life: Gregory Dix and his writings (Paper)

Gregory Dix and his writings

  • 9781853117176
  • 186
  • 56.25
  • Paper
  • 185311717X
  • 9/27/2007
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 40.00


Gregory Dix, an Anglican Benedictine monk, scholar, writer and broadcaster, was one of the most engaging public figures of his day. His classic work, The Shape of the Liturgy, has remained in print for 60 years and is an unsurpassed account of the origins of the Eucharist which continues to influence the Eucharistic rites of many Christian Churches today. Apart from this magnum opus, Gregory Dix left many pamphlets, papers, sermons, radio talks and other unpublished texts. From this remarkable archive, Simon Jones has created a text that will be valued in teaching, study, and as devotional reading for a new generation. It focuses on topics as central as the subject of his classic work on the Eucharist baptism, ministry, holy order, the Christian life, unity.


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