Gift: 100 Readings for New Parents (Paper)

100 Readings for New Parents

  • 9781853116407
  • 160
  • 31.25
  • Paper
  • 1853116408
  • 7/26/2005
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 15.99


Everybody wants a christening, wedding or funeral service to be unique to them and one of the main ways of personalising a ceremony is to choose one's own readings. Not everyone reads poetry or novels together and many do not know where to start in choosing a special piece. Here, an experienced editor of such books has collected together 100 readings from scripture and literature across the centuries in celebration of a birth, a marriage, a life that has ended. There is humour, tenderness, challenge, wisdom and realism in abundance, offering, quite literally, something for everyone.


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