Prophets beyond Activism (Paper)

Rethinking the Prophetic Roots of Social Justice

  • 9780664267834
  • 6 x 9
  • 162
  • 56.25
  • Paper
  • 0664267831
  • 8/26/2024
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 30.00


Prophets beyond Activism insightfully challenges the common progressive narrative that the prophets of ancient Israel were primarily concerned with social justice. Instead it daringly offers more life-giving ways of engaging the prophetic books for the causes of justice.

The assumption that the prophets of ancient Israel were primarily concerned with social justice so permeates the thinking and the discourse of progressive Christianity that it might be considered an interpretive orthodoxy. For example, progressives characterize prophets as those who speak truth to power and “prophetic preaching” as social critique. Yet, they often do so without explanation or consideration of alternative views.

In this volume, Julia O’Brien challenges the notion that the prophets were solely concerned with the same issues as contemporary social justice movements. Reading prophetic texts with an eye to their historical dimensions—when they were written, how they were edited—complicates any definitive statement about the role of prophets in the past. Reading alongside readers from diverse racial, gender, and other social locations in the present raises hard questions about whose justice these books actually promote. Despite its self-presentation as a scholarly and scientific viewpoint, the “prophets as social activists” orthodoxy was constructed in a particular time and place and in its usage today perpetuates many of the problematic ideologies of its origins. In response to these concerns, O’Brien offers alternative readings of the prophets for the sake of justice. Chapters explore the value of Amos and Micah for contemporary economic ethics; the dynamics of inclusivity and exclusivity in Isaiah; opportunities for reading Jeremiah as the voice of a community rather than a solitary figure; and the limits of Second Isaiah’s creation theology for addressing the climate crisis.

This is a wide-ranging volume, interweaving careful readings of biblical texts within their literary and historical contexts, the history of prophetic interpretation, and attentiveness to feminist, womanist, and postcolonial voices, including engagement with contemporary thought such as trauma theory and intersectional analysis of the climate crisis. Prophets beyond Activism calls readers to a more honest and humbler activism, speaking in their own voices about the demands and possibilities of justice.

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"Julia O'Brien has provided us with a long-needed and comprehensive corrective to our understanding of the Hebrew prophets. She exposes the historic process that led to a limited and stereotypical view of their role as primarily progressive social reformers. Then she builds a convincing case for a richer, more diverse understanding of the prophetic voices in the Hebrew Bible. She elevates the key role of community reception and redaction in the message passed on from them, rejects the reduction of their message to our own preconceptions, and uncovers a more wholistic understanding of the prophetic message that can stand alongside our own diverse commitments and experiences in a more honest and fruitful biblical dialogue for our times."

—Bruce C. Birch, Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary

"Fresh and compelling, Julia O'Brien's Beyond Activism challenges a simplistic progressive orthodoxy that paints biblical prophets as champions of social justice. For O'Brien, reassessing the prophets requires owning our values, contexts, and histories of harm. Pairing metacriticism with textual analysis, she equips readers for a more honest appraisal of prophetic books and our own social and interpretive commitments and communities. This book is for every preacher, teacher, and activist who finds in biblical prophets inspiration for contemporary ethics. You will gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the prophetic books and the very contexts in which we read."

—Anathea Portier-Young, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Duke Divinity School

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