Where’s the baby? The Gospel of Mark doesn’t have a nativity story—so where’s the Advent message? It’s in every aspect of Jesus’ life, to his death and beyond.
The Incarnation—God come to earth in human form to be baptized, teach, heal, eat, and die—is what we celebrate at Christmas, and Mark shows us just how radical and celebration-worthy it is!
Holy Disruption presents a fresh understanding of the holiness of Christmas grounded, not in a conventional cozy Christmas message, but through Mark's disquieting gospel which invites its readers to experience God's disruptive but transformative love for us and our world.
A companion video series with the author introducing each week's themes are available on YouTube. These are perfect to start a class with or to ask participants to watch beforehand. You can access the videos at
You can access free digital
resources, which include a group study guide, sermon series guide, and images for use during worship or study and to promote your outreach, at