For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are "bad girls," such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear.
In this first of two volumes, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah's daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman's story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.
Product Excerpts and Related Resources
“The women of the Old Testament gain new life in Japinga’s imagination and give us new life in how we view and interpret the Bible as the Word of the Lord.”
—Karoline M. Lewis, Luther Seminary
“Whether you use From Widows to Warriors in personal reflection, group study, or as a reference work, despite its brevity, it should prove most helpful in unearthing important but often neglected stories. If you read this book you will no longer have the excuse that there are no stories about women to be found in Scripture.”
—Dr. Robert Cornwall, Ponderings on a Faith Journey blog
“Japinga has performed the hero-feat of distilling faithful, scholarly research into an easy, enjoyable read... Classified as a Bible Study, a thorough 6-session discussion guide is included for an accessible yet rewarding group study (in addition to each chapter’s discussion questions). This book would also make a valuable teaching or preaching resource, with commentary and application provided for each story. But if you are neither reading with a group nor preparing to teach, I recommend sitting down with a cup of tea and binge-reading these pages as I did. Spend a wintery afternoon becoming reacquainted with our sisters in the Bible. Their lives, struggles, and victories have plenty to say to us, today.”
—The Englewood Review of Books