Book of Common Worship, Flash Drive Edition (Book)

  • 9780664265571
  • 1216
  • 12.50
  • Book
  • 066426557X
  • 10/30/2018
  • In Stock
$ 60.00


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The Book of Common Worship Flash Drive Edition contains electronic files from the main Book of Common Worship to make worship planning and bulletin preparation easier and more effective. The flash drive contains a PDF file with extensive links to chapters, sections, and individual services, along with links for every page reference in the book, for easy reading, browsing, and searching. The PDF contains a fully linked Table of Contents for easy navigation. Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader is required to open and use the file. (Adobe Acrobat Reader is free to download from The PDF is password protected, and online registration of the product is required to obtain the password. You will be required to enter the password each time you use the document.

The flash drive edition also contains Microsoft Word files for each of the services and commentary in the main Book of Common Worship. Services are arranged in separate files for the ease of bulletin creation and copying and pasting.

The files contained in this product are protected by US copyright law, and sharing or distributing these files is prohibited. Permission is given for one user to install these files on computers the user owns or uses only; all other uses are prohibited.

Users must have a basic knowledge of Adobe Reader and Microsoft Word to use this product; training will not be provided.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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