Martin Luther King Jr. for Armchair Theologians (Paper)

  • 9780664232849
  • 5 x 8
  • 208
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 0664232841
  • 4/19/2009
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 24.00


In this interesting and important introduction to the life and thought of Martin Luther King Jr., theologian Rufus Burrow explores King's life as well as his thinking and activism. Burrow addresses those who see King as only a social activist by showing how his studies, particularly his theological studies, influenced, shaped, and transformed the activist path he pursued during his public life. This book, with dozens of illustrations by artist Ron Hill, is written for a broad audience. It explores King's legacy, the continuing importance of his work, and it will serve as an excellent introduction to King's life and thinking.

Written by experts but designed for the novice, the Armchair series provides accurate, concise, and witty overviews of some of the most profound moments and theologians in Christian history. These books are essential supplements for first-time encounters with primary texts, lucid refreshers for scholars and clergy, and enjoyable reads for the theologically curious.

To listen to Rufus Burrow's interview about this book on WJK Radio with Dan and Jana, click here.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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