The Gospel according to Oprah (Paper)

  • 9780664229429
  • 5.5 x 8.5
  • 128
  • 37.50
  • Paper
  • 0664229425
  • 9/28/2005
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 21.00


In this book, religion reporter Marcia Nelson explores the spiritual dimensions that are prevalent in all aspects of the Oprah Winfrey media empire. Though Oprah is rarely explicitly religious on her television show or in her magazine, Nelson points out that there are several major Christian themes that weave through these aspects of her life and work: confession, redemption, healing, mission, forgiveness, and salvation. Nelson concludes that Oprah is a "compelling spiritual teacher in a spiritually eclectic and ever-practical America." This book will appeal both to Oprah fans and people who are fascinated by the intersection of religion and popular culture.

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The Presbyterian Outlook (Feb. 13, 2006) "[S]hows us how God is using Oprah in ways from which me might learn." --David R. Taylor, co-pastor, Eastminster Church, Simpsonville, S.C.
The Midwest Book Review (March 2006) "Packed from cover to cover with details and distinctively informative specifics on Oprah's passion for the Christian Gospel,...Marcia Z. Nelson deftly presents a truly inspirational book of insight and inspiration."
Radiant (April/May 2006) Excerpt from book
The Presbyterian Outlook (May 8, 2006) Listed under best sellers
Horizons (May/June 2006)
From The Orlando Sentinel, 10/09/2005 by Hal Boedeker, Sentinel Television Critic
Publishers Weekly Starred Review "Oprah didn't authorize this lively and information-packed book, but she may one day wished she had. Her fans will love it and her detractors may even lighten up enough to appreciate Oprah and her influence after reading it."
Booklist (October 26, 2005)
Spirituality and Health (October 26, 2005) - Al Mohler's Weblog (11/19/05) (11/30/05) "This installment of Westminster-John Knox Press' The Gospel According to...series is without a doubt one of the best." (Nov. 28, 2005) "Love Oprah or hate her...I can guarantee you will enjoy this book." Kevin Miller

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