David Kelsey offers a groundbreaking discussion of Christian redemption by exploring the story of a series of horrendous events that befell a young boy and his family. Sam, eight years old, was stricken with a puzzling virus that left him physically and psychologically damaged. His family suffered greatly, as well. In the face of these events, Kelsey asks, what can it possibly mean to say that in Jesus Christ, God "redeems" such situations and events?
The Presbyterian Outlook March 27, 2006 "[A]n engaging, thoughtful, courageous, and, in the end, beautiful piece of work."
Theology Today (Vol. 68, No. 1, April 2006) "[A] rich gem of a book [that] distills many concerns of [Kelsey's] long and distinguished career." --Elisabeth K.J. Koenig, General Theological Seminary, New York City
Christian Century (May 30, 2006)
Sewanee Theological Review (Vol. 49, No. 1, Christmas 2005) "Kelsey's coda interweaves a theology of incarnation with a theology of redemption in ways that give us new eyes and ears for how God converses with and through creation."