Two Great Truths (Paper)

A New Synthesis of Scientific Naturalism and Christian Faith

  • 9780664227739
  • 5.5 x 8.5
  • 152
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 0664227732
  • 5/27/2004
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 29.00


Furthering his contribution to the science and religion debate, David Ray Griffin draws upon the cosmology of Alfred North Whitehead and proposes a radical synthesis between two worldviews sometimes thought wholly incompatible. He argues that the traditions designated by the names "scientific naturalism" and "Christian faith" both embody a great truth--a truth of universal validity and importance--but that both of these truths have been distorted, fueling the conflict between the visions of the scientific and Christian communities. Griffin contends, however, that there is no inherent conflict between science, or even the kind of naturalism that it properly presupposes, and the Christian faith, understood in terms of the primary doctrines of the Christian good news.

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The Journal of Religion (Vol. 85, No. 4, October 2005) "[Griffin] has done both the academe and religious institutions a great service in putting forth this important vision in such an accessible, yet closely reasoned and intellectually sophisticated way." "I was quite frankly move by this book's incredibly sweeping vision; its deep integration of an enormous web of scientific, philosophical, and theological lines of thought; and, above all, its eloquent defense of divine love as the core value of Christian faith." --George W. Shields, Kentucky State University
Theological Studies "simple and elegant" --John Berthrong, Boston University School of Theology
From Process Studies (Vol. 34, No. 1, 2005) "We should celebrate [Griffin's] exemplary effort to raise a complex issue in a way that engages the concerns of people wanting their religious faith to be compatible with what they believe is true about the world around them. Griffin has shown that process thought can actually do what it promises: articulate an explanatory theory that is holistically coherent and nonreductively adequate to the full breadth and depth of human experience."

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