Exploring the Gospel of John (Hardback)

In Honor of D. Moody Smith

  • 9780664220839
  • 6 x 9
  • 409
  • 131.25
  • Hardback
  • 0664220835
  • 4/1/1996
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 55.00


In Exploring the Gospel of John, scholars of international standing gather to honor D. Moody Smith by examining the trails he has blazed in Johannine scholarship. Every aspect of the study of John is represented in this book, including the historical origins of the Johannine community, the religious traditions in the gospel within and beyond early Christianity, the Fourth Gospel's literary dimensions and theological concerns, and the distinctive challenges presented by the Gospel's interpretation. This book is indispensable for all interested in the Fourth Gospel. For researchers, it summarizes the modern history of Johannine scholarship as it points the way for its advancement in the next century. For pastors and students, it offers a comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable guide to this important New Testament book.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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