This is the edited collection of papers given at the recent symposium, Honest to God, Forty Years On. Following the 40th anniversary of the publication of Honest to God, by John Robinson, the symposium was held to discuss how far the issues raised in the book 40 years ago, have impacted on the Church and on current Christian thought, and to ask where we are in the debate about these issues today. This is a contemporary discussion with a forward-looking attitude. The book reflects the discussions and divides into four main areas covering; Culture and Context, how the original text Honest to God, tried to relate doctrine to contemporary thought, and the situation today ; God Language in Honest to God and God Language now, Behaviour and Belief, has religion been reduced to ethics?; The Christology of Honest to God and what Jesus means to us now. Featuring an introduction by the Dean of Southwark, Colin Slee, Honest to God, Forty Years On is an engaging text for any reader with an interest in comparative religious studies.