Memories of Bliss: God, Sex and Us (Paper)

God, Sex and Us

  • 9780334028857
  • 186
  • 37.50
  • Paper
  • 033402885X
  • 1/1/2003
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 35.99


Written by the author of ""Fat is a Spiritual Issue"", this book aims to show how, in the author's words, we can ""live our sexualities well"". By looking at how we should treat each other in the light of Jesus' command that we should love our neighbours as ourselves, Ind is able to relate the human experience of sex to our ultimate knowledge of God. Ind acknowledges that, while there are many ways of being sexual, the memories, yearnings and fantasies of human beings, in all their diversity, reflect the multi-dimensionality of the creator and his works. She regards much writing on sex, and the prudish and censorious comment that surrounds it, as being dishonest and, in the end, blasphemous. This book aims to completely overturn the Christian consensus on sex, and challenges that mentality which shies away from addressing sexuality directly, or as something apart from those other God-given and fundamental characteristics of human beings that image the divine. Jo Ind has Multiple Sclerosis and, in describing her illness, frequently with self-deprecating good humour, as well as in a succinct, no-nonsense style, she shows us how multi-faceted and diverse human sexuality can be.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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