Pregnancy and Birth
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-334-06538-8 Paper $45.00 8/29/2024

Pregnancy and Birth

Critical Theological Conceptions

Pregnancy is a period of time that institutes great change in the lives of those who are pregnant. Regardless of whether a pregnancy concludes with the birth of a live child or not, there are experiences that are common for many people who are p...

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Abortion and the Christian Tradition
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26568-7 Paper $40.00 10/28/2019

Abortion and the Christian Tradition

A Pro-choice Theological Ethic

Abortion remains the most contested political issue in American life. Poll results have remained surprisingly constant over the years, with roughly equal numbers supporting and opposing it. A common perception is that abortion is contrary to Christi...

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