Enfolded in Christ (Paper)

  • 9781786220462
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9781786220462
  • 5/29/2018
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 21.00


Enfolded in Christ is a book about priesthood with a difference. Instead of focusing on ministry, it helps priests develop their vocation a healthy spiritual life to sustain them through the demands of their calling.

John-Francis Friendship draws on extensive experience in pastoral supervision and spiritual direction to help priests cultivate spiritual practices and ways of living that will nurture a priests's relationship with Christ, sustain holy living and foster personal well-being. 

In a series of reflections based on the charges in the ordination service, he explores a range of topics including:

Growing in holiness 
The call to wholeness 
Keeping prayer fresh 
Preparing for the Eucharist  
Healthy relationships


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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