More Children's Sermons (Paper)

  • 9780664253073
  • 5 x 8
  • 112
  • 25.00
  • Paper
  • 0664253075
  • 4/30/1993
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 24.00


Physical nature, sexuality, death, self-esteem, anger, God's gifts, dealing with evil, and the environment--these are just a few of the themes many pastors avoid when teaching children. Bucky Dann says pastors often believe that children are not capable of understanding these topics. In a flexible style that allows church leaders to adapt the idea to their own churches, Dann offers this wide-ranging resource for all who preach to children. He provides a strong basis for covering a variety of topics with children. Each unit has a suggested theme, object lesson, and dialogue to help children understand and grow in faith. He demonstrates proven techniques for communicating with children about subjects that are essential for all Christians.


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