Cause for Hope (Paper)

Humanity at the Crossroads

  • 9781551455556
  • 6 X 9
  • 224
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 9781551455556
  • 1/1/2007
  • Backorder
$ 19.95


All societies live by their stories. This provocative book from one of the most provocative leaders in the Canadian church challenges the governing story that has shaped and defined Western culture and society--a story that has manifested itself in ecological destruction, war and the obscene military expenditures that go with it, unprecendented consumerism, economic disparity between rich and poor, mistreatment of non-white cultures and races, sexism, and fear. Clearly, it is time for a new story. Bill Phipps takes on the task of outlining the core themes of this new story with the passion and vision of a modern-day prophet. He shows us the deeply spiritual nature of the issues and choices that confront us. Recognizing that the challenges we face are inherently interconnected and can no longer be treated in isolation from each other, his approach is multi-faceted, touching on all aspects of life, including the role of the arts in bringing about transformation. As a culture and as a society, we stand at a crossroads--one of those rare grace-moments when we are granted the opportunity to choose our future. So the question remains before us. Will we choose the way of death, or the way of new life? Cause for Hope is part warning cry, part visionary exploration, part encouragement for the journey. As such, it is itself a cause for hope. Each chapter concludes with questions for discussion, making this book a valuable resource for study group use.


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