Various ideas float around about the subject of last things, leading many Christians to conclude th...
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The Thessalonian correspondence represents the earliest writing in the New Testament, according to ...
For too long, the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are s...
For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible c...
Journeying with Mark offers a brief and accessible guide to the Gospel of Mark. Perfect for persona...
Jaime Clark-Soles takes readers on a dynamic journey deep into the heart of John in this lively rea...
The Bible includes any number of "tyrannical texts" that have proved to be profoundly oppressive in...
Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist leaders and students in their study of the B...
Meeting God in Mark explores the essential meaning and purpose of Mark's Gospel for beginners who m...
This book in the Westminster Bible Companion series explores some of Paul's most central letters, i...
This book in the Westminster Bible Companion series explores one of Paul's most central letters. Fr...
Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Be...
From Matthew's matter-of-fact genealogy demonstrating Jesus' status as a descendant of King David, ...
Perhaps no topic is more central to Christianity than the fundamental study of who Jesus Christ is ...
John For Today, like the author's earlier best-selling book Paul for Today, combines fresh accessib...