God's Gift of Generosity (Paper)

Gratitude beyond Stewardship

  • 9780664261276
  • 6 x 9
  • 190
  • 62.50
  • Paper
  • 0664261272
  • 8/5/2024
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 28.00


God’s Gift of Generosity is ideal for pastors who must engage in one of the most uncomfortable tasks of their role: asking people for money.

Why does generosity matter, and why should we give back to God?

Tailored specifically for pastors and lay leaders navigating the delicate task of stewardship, this insightful book transcends the mundane "how" of giving to explore the profound "why" behind our acts of generosity.

In this book Travis skillfully discusses the essence of generosity in three thought-provoking sections. Initially, he invites readers to ponder "what" generosity truly entails, painting a vivid picture of God's boundless generosity woven throughout the entirety of Scripture. From there, he considers the "so what" question, confronting the challenges of practicing generosity today in a world consumed by materialism and acquisition. Finally, in the enlightening "now what" segment, Travis offers a practical roadmap for church leaders, equipping them with the tools and insights needed to navigate stewardship campaigns with grace and confidence.

With a blend of scholarly insight, heartfelt conviction, and practical advice, God’s Gift of Generosity serves as a beacon of wisdom and encouragement for those seeking to cultivate a spirit of generosity in their congregations, encouraging all to celebrate the timeless nature of God's generosity and translate its profound truths into tangible, transformative actions in our contemporary world.

Access free resources at www.wjkbooks.com/Generosity to expand the use of this book through a comprehensive group discussion and planning guide that assists you as you develop your generosity program.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Product Excerpts and Related Resources


"In this long-awaited labor of love, Karl Travis takes readers by the hand and shows them the very nature of God. Travis explores the generosity of God, generosity to God, and, finally, generosity with God, ultimately making the case for how giving from a posture of gratitude can transform the giver’s life. The journey described is a gift for all who desire to walk more closely with our generous and loving God." —Kristine Miller, partner and executive vice president, Horizons Stewardship

"Karl Travis is the perfect pastor to write a book on stewardship, because he genuinely treats all of life as a gift. And he does so because he wholeheartedly believes and trusts in God’s goodness, abundance, and graciousness. This book reframes generosity in a robustly theological way, mirroring the generous heart of God. Expect to be inspired and moved toward opening your hands and heart." —Danielle Shroyer, author, speaker, spiritual director

"Holy cow! If you think, as I thought, that you pretty much understand Christian stewardship and generosity, read this book. You will quickly feel embarrassed, and I did, over your prior conceits. And your grasp of God’s generosity will transform yours, which in turn will transform that of those you influence. Karl Travis and his book are gifts of that divine generosity for us all to treasure and share." —Jack Haberer, pastor, author, former editor and publisher of The Presbyterian Outlook

"Karl Travis sees with the eye of a perceptive pastor, writes with the verve of a joyous companion, and argues with the existential urgency of a dying man. This is a book bursting with faith, hope, and love, convincing us that God has given us everything we need; but it is also a manual of practical wisdom, contending that generosity is the best investment. Reading this book won’t just make you a more effective pastor; it will make you a more profound human being." —Samuel Wells, author and vicar, St. Martin-in-the-Fields

"Karl Travis’s themes of ‘gratitude’ and ‘generosity’ crackle with profound examples that remind us in this often-dispirited time that, at its essence, the church is still alive and hopeful. At its very heart, this book beckons us to practice boldly an unafraid discipleship grounded by the keystone of consistent generosity and religious joy. This book is not simply a primer for stewardship committees. More profoundly, it is an invitation to explore the landscape of a deeper faith. Those who love this faith and those who wish to love it more will be blessed by the wisdom within these pages." —Ted Wardlaw, president emeritus, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

"Karl B. Travis reframes the stewardship conversation, moving from a dreaded, annual recitation of budgetary woes to a fully joyful exploration of generosity – God’s and ours." - Presbyterian Outlook

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